HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYS!!! [Sounding Board]

NFL season is days away. YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! We are all excited. Devoted fans are gearing up to become unofficial members of their respective football team and cheer them on the road to the Super Bowl.
Along with the positive comes the negative. Rivalries, shit talkin  etc etc and some teams get it worse than others. You have Baltimore and Pittsburgh….they crazy with it, then whole NFC East is wild but there’s always one team that seems to have 31 teams fan hating them year after year after year LOL


A M E R I C A S     T E A M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

D A L L A S   C O W B O Y S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So for the Sounding Board, why haha why so much hate for my boys?????

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